Senator Amy Galey

Amy Galey

Senator Amy Galey

Represents Alamance, Randolph (part) Counties

Amy Galey is a working mom who gets the job done. Amy’s roots run deep in Alamance and Guilford counties – and she will fight for our values.

Amy has held the line on keeping property taxes low. In the State Senate, she will fight to cut taxes for families and small businesses. She supports tax reform that allows individuals, families, and local businesses to keep more of the money they earn: the first $21,500 a household earns should be 100 percent free of state income taxes.

When it comes to educating our children and preparing them for the future, there is no uniform answer. Our children deserve quality education with a range of choices to meet their academic needs, abilities, and interests. As the parent of three young adults who attended public high schools, Amy has personally observed the range of creative and innovative opportunities available. The foundation of a quality education is a wonderful teacher. Amy has increased education spending by 16 percent in just three years on the County Commission.