Senator Kevin Corbin

Kevin Corbin

Senator Kevin Corbin

Represents Cherokee, Graham, Clay, Macon, Swain, Jackson, Transylvania, Haywood Counties

Senator Kevin Corbin has devoted his life to serving the people of Western North Carolina. Born and raised in the scenic mountains of Macon County, his journey in public service began early. Elected to the Macon County School Board at just 22, Kevin spent 20 influential years there, 16 of them as chairman. His commitment to improving local education set a foundation for his enduring dedication to public service.

After stepping away briefly, Kevin returned to politics with renewed vigor, winning a seat on the Macon County Commission, where he also served as chairman. His political career further escalated when he was elected to the North Carolina House of Representatives in 2017. Representing the 120th District, he quickly distinguished himself, being appointed to several key committees including Appropriations on Education/Higher Education and Commerce and Insurance. In 2020, Kevin was elected to the North Carolina Senate, representing Senate District 50. His tenure in the Senate has been marked by significant legislative achievements, particularly in the realms of broadband expansion, education, and school safety.